A pediatric otorhinolaryngologist specializes in diagnosing and treating ear, nose, and throat (ENT) conditions in children. At Dr. Khushboo Goel’s practice, appointments typically last between 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the complexity of the issue. Common causes for seeking a pediatric ENT specialist include chronic ear infections, nasal congestion, sleep apnea, and throat disorders. The benefits of consulting a pediatric ENT specialist include accurate diagnosis, tailored treatments for children, and improved management of ENT-related issues. This specialization ensures that young patients receive appropriate care, addressing their unique anatomical and developmental needs. Effective treatment can lead to enhanced quality of life, better hearing, breathing, and overall health for children.

For more details please contact us at +919873469016.

  • Pediatric Otorhinolaryngologist in Sushant Lok Phase 1
  • Pediatric Otorhinolaryngologist in Sushant Lok Phase 2
  • Pediatric Otorhinolaryngologist in Sushant Lok Phase 3
  • Pediatric Otorhinolaryngologist in Sushant Lok Phase 1