Ear drum rupture, or tympanic membrane perforation, occurs when there is a tear or hole in the eardrum, often due to infections, trauma, or sudden pressure changes. Causes include middle ear infections, loud noises, or injuries. Treatment typically involves keeping the ear dry, managing infections with antibiotics, and in some cases, surgical repair through tympanoplasty. Recovery time varies, from a few weeks for minor cases to several months for more severe ruptures. Benefits of effective treatment include restored hearing, prevention of further complications, and improved ear health. Dr. Khushboo Goel specializes in ear drum rupture treatment, offering expert care and personalized management plans to ensure optimal healing and restore auditory function.

For more details please contact us at +919873469016.

  • Ear Drum Rupture Treatment in DLF Phase 1
  • Ear Drum Rupture Treatment in DLF Phase 2
  • Ear Drum Rupture Treatment in DLF Phase 3
  • Ear Drum Rupture Treatment in DLF Phase 4